Are You Sick and Tired of Struggling with a Bad Back?
Including The Little-Known “Developmental Sequence” - Discovered Over 100 Years Ago by a Master Ballet Teacher - that’ll Fix Your Back Pain Quickly and Easily (in as Little as 5 Minutes a Day)
Hey, it’s Matt Cook here,
And I’ve got 3 questions for you...
Can you do this?...
How about this?...
And what about this?...
If you answered “no” to any of those, then we both know it’s true - you’re suffering with some back pain...
However, the Good News is that today could be the day that your back pain begins to fade away…
Because in this article, I’m going to tell you the true story of how I cured 12 years of chronic, agonizing back pain...
Until finally, I discovered some special movements, which totally fixed all my back pain and gave me effortless movement, mobility and flexibility...
Watch this video to preview the special movements
that will fix your back painThese slow, gentle movements may look a little different than what you’re used to...
But that’s because all the typical stuff you’re used to seeing: like different types of stretching exercises, strengthening movements and devices, massage and postural correction… offer only temporary relief, and rarely work out in the long-run…
Because they don’t get to the deeper causes of back pain.
These NEW movements on the other hand…
When you try these movements for yourself and notice how your back feels, maybe better than it has in months, years or even decades, you’re going to fall in love with them...
Because as your back pain fades away, you’ll finally be able to once again
do the things that back pain has stolen from you:Whatever you’ve been missing can finally return to your life, even better than before!
These movements can fix your back pain quickly and easily because:
They safely, comfortably mobilize
your spine...They relieve pressure and create space
between your spinal discs...They release the tension out of your
back musclesPlus, you can easily do them in the comfort of your own home, using just your own body (no equipment is needed).
In case you haven’t already seen my work, my name is Matt Cook.
Since CURING my own back pain, I’ve left my career as an Aeronautical Engineer to become a Flexibility and Mobility Coach…
A coach who specializes in helping people like you to recover from back pain...
I’m the author of the Amazon 5-star
reviewed book, Conscious Movement: The Key to Releasing Pain...I’m also the inventor of the
adjustable Hip Flexor Releaser, for people with tight hip flexors (one of the Top 5 causes of back pain)...Years ago, I felt totally TRAPPED in a body that ACHED and TORMENTED me virtually every second of the day…
My back caused me to feel tired and exhausted all the time…
And all this PAIN made it impossible to enjoy being with friends and family, or play sports and exercise…
Heck, sometimes the pain was so bad I could barely walk!
Today though, my back feels flexible and strong... my posture is very good... I feel healthy and confident... and I’m full of energy all day long...
I’ve also taken up gymnastics, martial arts, and dance…
Bottom line?
I’m in the best shape of my life, and I’m generally a much happier and joyful person.
That’s why, now that I’ve helped myself…
My mission is to show people the single most
effective way to fix their back pain...Why?
Because, as I’m sure you’ll agree, back pain is one of the worst problems someone can face, and I love helping people get out of it!
You shouldn’t have to spend your life in pain...
You shouldn’t have to spend hundreds of dollars, and hours of your valuable time getting massage, physio or chiro…
You shouldn’t have to endure and suffer the pain getting worse and worse, fearing one day being unable to walk, or having a catastrophic fall...
You could better spend that time with your kids, grandkids or life partner, or enjoying your hobbies, sports, vacations and passion projects...
Fixing your back pain could even help you avoid ending up in a situation so desperate that a surgeon convinces you that your only option is an invasive, destructive and irreversible surgery...
For example, a spinal fusion - where they screw pins into your vertebrae to permanently hold them in one fixed place, permanently ending your spinal mobility...
Even worse, a laminectomy, where they literally cut and saw your spinal vertebrae to either partially or fully remove them...
Scientific articles at the National Center for Biotechnology Information report that only around 50% of surgeries are considered “successful”, with successful only meaning nothing more than a “reduction in pain”.
You’re soon going to see why the gentle movements that I’m going to show you on this page can fix your back pain...
Even if you feel like you’ve already tried EVERYTHING and all you’ve got left is HOPE...
You’re going to see that it’s totally possible to recover from even the most extreme cases of back pain, even sciatica and disk herniation...
Even better…
The movements I’m going to show you are going to give you much, much more than an exit from pain...
Because as your back pain begins to fade, here’s what you can expect to happen:
These incredible movements have worked for me, they’ve worked for my students, and as you’re about to find out…
They should also be your ticket out of back pain, and into the greatest days of your life...
When I went off to The University of Sydney at 18 years old, I didn’t have a single ounce of back pain, everything was completely fine. Happy go lucky, not a worry in the world!
Then one night…
I stayed up until 5 am finishing an assignment, the whole time slumped over textbooks and my laptop - sitting on a chair that offered no ergonomic back support (just like millions upon millions of people do, every day, for hours or end, when they
sit in their office chair)...As dawn rolled in, I noticed that my back was kinda sore. Like a TIRED and ACHING feeling deep in my low back muscles and spine, and it was still there the next day...
It healed soon enough...
No big deal, right?
You see, shortly after, I started to notice my back get sore even when I’d study for only a couple of hours. After a while, it was SORE even when I wasn’t studying. Even when I wasn’t sitting down...
I procrastinated for a while, probably not wanting to admit to myself that something was wrong, but then I went to see a doctor...
The Doctor said to me:
“Don’t worry, this is very common, you just need some anti-inflammatories and the pain will be gone”...
She wrote me a prescription for a very well-known medication, and indeed, the pain totally went away…
For a couple of days.
But then the pills started to have less and less effect, and after a few weeks, they had NO EFFECT at all...
I didn’t want to risk falling into a cycle of increasing dosages and potentially becoming addicted… I held them in my hand over the trash can…
...declared “no pills ever again”, and, hard as it was… let them fall...
As I let the pills go my stomach tightened and my heart sunk...
The doctors were supposed to have the solution, weren’t they?
They’d told me with total confidence that “all I needed was anti-inflammatories and I’d be cured”.
They were wrong.
I stepped things up a notch and went to see the University Campus Physiotherapist...
That was the first time I’d ever gotten a massage and it felt great! My muscles felt so relaxed that I thought my problems were over. I figured if my back ever got sore again, I’d just get another massage...
Simple, eh?
However, the problem was…
My back did get sore again, and I went for another massage, but this time the pain didn’t completely go away (though I did still get some relief, and that was better than nothing)...
So I began to get weekly massages, because at this point I didn’t have any other options...
But even with those weekly massages, I couldn’t deny that my back pain was generally INCREASING - it was getting more intense and it was affecting a wider area of my back...
It even seemed to “spread” to other areas, especially my neck, shoulders, hips and knees...
The physiotherapist gave me some stretches and I began to take yoga classes on her recommendation...
So now I was in the “Stretching Mindset”.
Almost everyone who suffers back pain gets into this mindset at one point or another...
It just makes so much sense, doesn’t it?
The muscles in your back are TIGHT and PAINFUL… while healthy people have long, flexible muscles, so you think you should STRETCH…
So that's what I did...
I started stretching my back, trying to touch my toes and so on…
But then, as I did more research, I heard people say that the cause of back pain could be tight hamstrings. So I stretched them too...
Then I heard tight hip flexors could cause back pain, so I added Hip Flexor stretches to my routine... then it was calves, quadriceps, chest and shoulders and, well…
The list goes on…
Pretty soon I was stretching for literally 2 hours every day, with some relief here and there, but nothing that lasted. Nothing even close to a permanent fix...
I kept thinking that there must be some muscle that was the HIDDEN CAUSE, or some stretch I was missing, or that I wasn’t doing the right type of stretching...
I couldn’t see the writing on the wall - stretching just doesn’t work for many people who are in pain...
Sure stretching is great for people who are already pain-free, to improve flexibility, but it's not what people in pain need.
As I lost faith in doctors, massage therapists and physiotherapy, I began doing my own research online...
Videos, blogs, discussion forums, social media. You name it, I read it...
But here’s what crushed my spirits:
Everyone online seemed only to be repeating a watered down version of the exact same thing that the professionals told me...
It made me really ANGRY each time I heard someone tell me that something I’d already tried a million times was the way to fix my back pain...
I could never figure out if they were lying to me, or if they were just naive...
Oftentimes I heard people online say:
“It’s not stretching! The secret is actually… after strengthening!
So off I went to the gym to devoutly strengthen every single muscle I was told to…
I was at The University of Sydney Gym, using the hyperextension machine, one of the “go-to” machines for strengthening back muscles...
I was doing it weighted, with around 15kgs (33lbs) on my back. After 10 reps everything seemed fine…
Until I stepped off the machine...
You see, the moment my left leg touched the ground a terrifying STABBING PAIN shot from my lower back all down my left leg...
It was as if someone had THRUST A KNIFE into my lower back, and then slid the blade down the back of my leg all the way to my foot...
My knee buckled and I almost fell over…
I paused for a second, and then...
Wrenched my left foot off the floor…
I couldn’t put it back down without the pain PIERCING through my whole body. It was like being ELECTROCUTED. I couldn’t put any weight on my left foot ...
All the muscles on the left side of my spine, and into my hips were fiercely contracted and I couldn’t relax them ...
My friends, who were right near me, asked “You right man?”... and, as I was so embarrassed… I just gritted my teeth and said:
“Yeah totally fine”.
In reality, I was in AGONY...
So I waited until they weren’t watching, then I limped all the way back to my dorm in total shock, my back in some state of chaotic trauma that shook me to the center of my being...
It was like my entire reality had been split in two. Half of my awareness was no longer present to the outside world...
Instead it was totally fixated on the pain in my lower back and leg, constantly worrying and anxious because of the discomfort...
Trying to avoid doing anything to make it worse…
Trying to think of ways to make it go away...
I was in my room for days, hoping for the pain to go, but it didn’t...
My balance, stability and coordination rapidly diminished, and, crazy as it sounds - walking on solid ground became like walking on ice...
Every single step was pain. And every single step made the problem worse, because I found ways to tense the muscles of my ankles, knees and hips in an attempt to decrease the pain and stay stable...
But this also made me extremely stiff - especially in my low back (where the muscles were as hard as rock, and painful to touch).
I was freaking out…
Anxious, terrified that I’d permanently WRECKED my entire body…
I’d gone from the frying pan and into the fire...
I was insanely desperate...
So I began to see expensive professionals. One after another... chiropractors, radiologists, active release practitioners, osteopaths. I tried everything...
I got my back cracked in every angle, I got needles into my spine (thanks to the acupuncturist), I got all sorts of braces...
Can you guess the results I got?
Absolutely nothing.
Not in terms of LONG TERM, long lasting results anyway...
Sure, there was the temporary relief that lasted a day or two, but the pain came back every time...
Seeing all these professionals did teach me a few things about back pain, especially from all the radiology and chiropractic sessions...
The muscles of my back were extremely TENSE and HARD...
That’s painful enough on its own, but to make things worse, the tense muscles were exerting a lot of pressure on my spinal vertebrae, pushing them together and pulling them out of alignment...
There was also pressure on my sciatic nerve, which was responsible for a typical pattern of pain all down my left leg...
I suspected that the eventual solution would involve somehow relaxing the tension in the muscles...
Because if the muscles weren’t tense, my spine could relax back into alignment and the pressure could come off the discs and the nerves...
I knew the problem so well, but a real, long lasting solution evaded me, causing me constant stress and anxiety...
So there I was in this existential crisis…
...with constant pain in my lower back, which jolted me with every step, and it seemed absolutely impossible to fix it...
Meanwhile, I was trying to get through a 4 year University degree which requires 40 to 50 hours a week sitting down looking at a book or a laptop, or in a lecture hall taking notes...
It was an absurd situation, and I have deep empathy for you if you’re experiencing any kind of back pain...
I had no choice but to just grin and bear it…
Through 4 years of University, then into the workforce… year after year after year… waking up to PAIN, and enduring it until to the moment I fell asleep...
Even then it wasn’t easy - because trying to get to sleep was one of the hardest things...
I’d lie awake with this painful throbbing sensation in my back. Sometimes I’d be able to calm it down if I got out of bed, put a lacrosse ball under my back and moved around on it...
But, sometimes even that was no use, and all I could do was wait in pain until 4 or 5 when I finally fell asleep from total exhaustion. So I wasn’t just in pain, I was also sleep DEPRIVED and very LOW on energy...
The pain began to impact me on a deep psychological level. It’s like being in prison… you feel “trapped”. The pain sprawls out to infect every area of your life...
I began to get extremely ANXIOUS, and I had this constant DEPRESSION that was impossible to shake...
After about 9 years of this torment…
I’d almost resigned to thinking that all I could do was prevent the pain from becoming worse…
I started to feel like actually getting rid of the pain was merely a fantasy...
At one point, I was paying around $750 USD per month for supposedly state of the art Active Release Techniques, just to prevent things getting worse...
Now, I was a single guy at the time, and very lucky to have a disposable income, though what if you’ve got a mortgage, a family to feed, bills to pay and kids to raise and put through college?
That would be totally unaffordable, plus the $750 a month didn’t even lead me to a solution, only relief for a day or two...
But let me tell you something important...
Maybe just as important as the movements I want to show you that’ll fix your back pain...
The most important thing is that you never, ever give up hope...
I was close to giving up hope many, many times. And maybe you’ve felt that way too. Maybe you even felt that way earlier today...
But just don’t ever give up hope…
Because it is possible to fix your back pain. Quickly and easily, in fact.
Here’s how it happened for me...
One day in August of 2017, in my 12th year of back pain, I was living in Medellin, Colombia. A day like any other day in “The City of Eternal Spring,” as they call it...
And yet, it turned out NOT to be a day like any other…
Because I stumbled on something miraculous…
The first domino that would start a “chain reaction” leading to ALL my back pain disappearing...
You see, I was online and, after a couple hours of fruitless research, I finally came across a Finnish “Movement” Coach, Eero Westerberg. I found a video of his...
And he moved so gracefully that I was naturally drawn to learning from him...
In one video he explained something about the human body that I’d never heard before. He talked about “feeling the muscles and joints”.
Instead of worrying about how I did any particular exercise, or the form of any particular exercise, he said it was so much more important to focus my mind toward feeling the sensations in my muscles and joints...
I was so intrigued by what Eero was saying, that a couple of weeks later I ended up hiring Eero to coach me, and he explained that:
Read that twice. Seriously.
You may have experienced this yourself already - you’ve most likely lost some range of motion, flexibility and mobility...
Now this might be good in the SHORT TERM, because it prevents you from causing further DAMAGE. However, in the long term, the area becomes tight, weak, uncoordinated, inflamed, and potentially totally “frozen”.
So what you have to do to fix things, is to ever so gradually get the area moving again, and that’s what I’m going to show you how to do...
It doesn’t really have anything to do with strengthening muscles or stretching muscles. It’s just about gradually improving movement...
And that’s something you can do without any fancy equipment or even a gym membership - you can do it from the comfort of your own home with just your own body...
I completely stopped relying on all those typical stretches and strengthening exercises. I stopped getting massages. I stopped seeing the physios, chiro’s and so on…
...saving myself the best part of $1000 a month...
Then, I completely switched to focusing purely on “Movement”... and “Mobilizing”. It was so fun and interesting, and more than anything - so easy.
Seeing as I was new to this, I started with my arms and legs...
Whenever I had 5 minutes here or there, I’d just choose some new position to start from, and experiment with moving my joints and feeling my muscles...
And I noticed something critical:
When I did really gentle, slow, simple movements, my muscles would actually feel better. I could feel them better, I could control them better.
And this gave me a crazy idea to help my back pain. One day I asked myself:
“What would be the simplest, slowest, easiest, gentlest movements I could possibly do for my back?”
And after weeks of thinking the question over and over, giving it hours and hours of thought, my brain finally sent back a totally unexpected suggestion:
“How about movement we did as infants, when we were first “switching on” our muscles
and learning to move?”I did some google searches and found that there’s actually a name for it. It’s called “Developmental Movement”...
Pay close attention to this next part…
Because this “Developmental Movement” idea is pretty much THE idea you need to know if you’re suffering from back pain and want to get rid of your back pain once and for all...
Developmental Movement for Back Pain
Developmental Movement is a field of scientific study by people who realized that by revisiting some of the movements that we instinctively did in early childhood as infants, when we were first switching on our muscles and learning to move…
...adults can restore all the movement connections in their bodies, completely restoring coordination and balance, releasing muscular tension and freeing their joints...
And in this field of Developmental Movement, I stumbled on a miraculous movement, which initiated my back’s total recovery...
This movement was developed by a woman named Irmgard Bartenieff - a dancer, choreographer and physical therapist - in Germany, 1925, almost 100 years ago.
Here’s how my first experience with this movement went...
Picture this:
I lay flat on my back, with one leg out straight, and the other leg bent at the knee, with the foot of the bent leg flat on the ground, close to my backside...
Then I began to rock my body back and forth - first initiating the rocking from my flat foot (and then initiating the rocking from the heel of my straight leg).
As I began the movement, I wasn’t really noticing much. I assumed it was going to be just another thing that I tried and failed with...
But then... I remembered all that Eero had taught me. And so, instead of rocking back and forth quickly…
I slowed the movement down...
I moved very SLOWLY and CALMLY, focusing deeply on my back muscles and my spine, exploring for sensations as Eero had instructed me...
It was strange...
Time seemed to slow down and I began to feel RELAXED like I hadn’t in years...
And then, all of a sudden, I felt the release...
For the first time ever in my life:
I’m not saying that my entire back was completely fixed in one exercise, but there was a definite change like I had never felt before...
As I stood up, I felt like a new person and I knew in that moment that the worst was behind me. I remember pacing around my apartment exclaiming:
“I’ve found it! I’ve found it! Oh my God, I’ve found it!”
From that very moment onward, back pain had no power over me anymore. Sure there was still some discomfort, but I was certain that the path toward total recovery was firmly in my grasp, and that meant the world to me...
I kept doing that same movement daily for the next few days, and each time it helped my back tremendously… each time I’d stand up feeling more balanced, coordinated, stable and most important of all - I’d have less pain...
Though at the same time, I realized that one single movement wasn’t going to completely fix my entire back and 12 years of pain...
By that time I was very familiar with the anatomy of the back, and I knew that there were dozens of muscles and dozens of joints, so it wasn’t very realistic to expect one single movement to fix absolutely everything, no matter how powerful it was...
So I went into deep thought for weeks, asking myself how I could replicate Bartenieff’s movement to target different parts of the back… using some of my engineering training to streamline my thought process…
I thought about the “back and forth” nature of Bartenieff’s movement… about the “rocking”... about how the muscles slowly contracted and relaxed - muscular tension on, muscular tension off…
I thought about how the pressure of my feet pushing into the ground was moving my body… about how gravity and momentum were working on my body as I moved…
I thought about how all the muscles connected to my spine, and how forces flowed through my joints and my bones…
I drew diagrams and representations to help me visualize everything. I’d never before really felt any purpose to my career as an engineer - perhaps it was all meant for that one moment...
And all the time I was experimenting with new movements. I’d lay down on the floor and try different gentle back and forth movements, with deep focus. Some were total failures. Some worked a tiny bit, but weren’t worth repeating...
Occasionally I’d strike Gold and find a movement that was just as effective as Bartenieff’s movement...
Whenever I found a winner that triggered an instant release in my back, I’d write it down...
My own pain was fading and that filled me with JOY… but there was something else I was getting very excited about...
You see, I knew that there must be literally hundreds of millions, if not billions of people suffering with back pain…
...and I kept imagining a future where I’d be able to share only the most potent, super-effective movements with those people, so they could recover from back pain in record time, with minimal effort...
Over the next few months, my life went into an upward spiral. Every single day my back pain faded and faded...
I began to have days where I didn’t even notice pain at all...
I could get to sleep effortlessly...
My energy soared to higher levels than I could remember having. Looking at myself in the mirror, I could not believe how aligned my posture was...
I could spend time with my friends and really enjoy the moment, without being distracted by pain...
I remember looking in the mirror and noticing that the resting expression on my face had turned from one of depression to one of optimism, and I said to myself:
“Wow, I guess I’ve done it… It’s over… I’ve cured my back pain”
One day, spur of the moment, I decided to go to a gymnastics class, something I’d always wanted to do...
Uninhibited by pain, I learned all sorts of amazing movements and tricks that I once would never have even bothered trying, because I’d have been too afraid of injuring myself...
I almost effortlessly got into much better shape...
I even started to see myself as “good” at moving my body, which made me want to use it even more…
So I started martial arts, and even something I never expected I’d try - ballet...
You see, I was actually living in Russia at the time, and I ended up training with a professional Russian ballet dancer. Because of this I gained an extremely deep knowledge of the human body...
At one point, my family and friends started noticing my results. Some of them confided in me that they also had back pain and asked me to help them...
I was then able to pull out my list of proven back pain eliminating movements and they were able to get literally instant results...
They’d just say where they were experiencing pain, and I knew the perfect movement for them right away...
Even better, I was able to make slight modifications - because of my experience with gymnastics, martial arts and ballet - to make them more effective…
...and really turn these movements into a repeatable system, allowing my “students” to make extremely rapid progress (much faster than I’d made myself)...
As I saw these results, and heard people urging me to get this movement system out there to the world, I began to believe in myself…
I began to really believe that what I’d discovered was ready to be shared...
Because now, as a person who once suffered chronic, agonizing back pain… and couldn’t find any relief with mainstream methods for 12 years…
I now feel 100% confident in saying that:
“This movement system, which completely cured me, is the single most effective way to fix back pain, on the entire planet.”
This system is essentially the combined power of Eero Westerberg, Developmental Movement, Irmgard Bentenieff, Gymnastics, Martial Arts and Ballet, all working super potently to help you get a pain free back more effectively than anything else on the planet.
Chronic back pain can initially develop for many reasons:
After months or years of PAIN, the brain tends to totally shut down the painful area, leading to extreme tightness, weakness, inflammation, immobility, and even the area being completely frozen...
Mainstream techniques such as massage, stretching, strengthening, physiotherapy and chiropractic can be good for temporary relief, but generally do not solve anyone’s back pain in the long run...
Fixing back pain involves:
Movements that do this must be safe, slow, gentle, comfortable, relaxing and involve conscious focus on your muscles and joints.
The Gold Standard Movement System for fixing back pain are these slow, smooth, flowing movements that we’ve discussed, inspired by the Bartenieff Fundamentals of Developmental Movement, and the wisdom of Eero Westerberg...
I’ve tried everything, and there’s simply nothing better out there...
The Ultimate System for Getting Rid of Back Pain -
as Quickly and Easily as PossibleNow, you certainly can take this information and set out on a journey by yourself…
Trying to learn to feel your muscles and joints…
Experimenting with hundreds, if not thousands of different movements until you find the right ones...
Though if you want to remove all the trial and error, and just get right to your back feeling better, then I’d like to introduce you to what really is the future of fixing back pain...
It’s called The Back Pain Miracle System.
I call it “The Back Pain Miracle System” because that’s what fixing back pain was for me…
A miracle.
The Back Pain Miracle System is a proven back pain recovery system…
...containing the most effective movements to fix your back pain… mobilizing your spine in a way that quickly relieves pressure and creates space between your discs, and releases tension in your back muscles (as well as key muscles like your hamstrings, hip flexors and piriformis)...
Even if you’ve had a serious injury, or decades of back pain, or sciatica, all of which I also had, the Good News is:
This can work for you...
15 Proven Movements to fix your back pain...
When you get access to The Back Pain Miracle System, the first movement you’ll want to try is the exact same movement which initiated my back’s total recovery:
The Bartenieff Rock and Roller.
No matter which specific pain you have, this movement will be essential to your recovery... because it reactivates all the connections between the muscles and joints of your toes, heels, knees, hips and back...
Every time you gently rock back and forth, in the exact way I show you in the video, your spinal vertebrae will gently open and close, releasing the pressure from the discs and taking pressure off any compressed nerves...
The muscles of your entire body will learn to coordinate and work together, so that your spine is supported and stable and you’re able to move without pain.
Let me ask you a question…
Do you have:
This “Knees Side to Side” movement is my personal favorite movement in the entire system, because it’ll mobilize and relax all the muscles and joints involved with those problems...
Just move slowly… feel your spine and your back muscles... and every single back and forth movement will relax the area more and more, as you breathe sighs of relief as some of your worst pains fade away forever. Bliss.
Do you have pain:
This can be confused for sciatica, but it’s more likely that your hip joints are totally locked up...
Key Point:
Do you have a wide area of pain all throughout your low back?
The “Supine to Fetal” movement targets this area as you gently go back and forth between a straight, extended position and a tucked fetal position...
As you do this movement, you will notice the excess tension in your back...
As you do this movement more gracefully and purely, that excess tension will fade away from your back and your whole body, so that you can move lightly, calmly, free of tension and pain.
Do you have full body pain patterns that seem to go from head to toe?
That’s generally because your entire core has shut down, meaning that all the different parts of your body are disconnected, working against each other, and creating painful and excessive muscular tension...
This is the most effective movement for switching on your entire core while also mobilizing your entire spine from tailbone to atlas.
Your body will become more comfortable, balanced and sturdy, and you’ll really feel like your core is working for you, maybe for the first time in your life.
Do you have pain here in and around the “Piriformis” muscle? Sometimes this is called “Piriformis Syndrome”.
The piriformis muscle can squeeze the sciatic nerve, mimicking lumbar sciatica, causing pain down the leg and in the lower back...
This is the most effective piriformis mobilization and release position, and will rapidly reduce piriformis syndrome.
Do you have any of these:
The “Supported Frog Pose” position allows your low back, pelvis, pelvic floor and tailbone to all relax and mobilize, dramatically reducing stiffness and pain in the entire area...
This is one of the most relaxing movements you can do for back pain, and you’ll also find it causes your hip joints to soften and release.:
Do you have trouble extending your back?
Do you have trouble simply opening up your body like this?
If so, you almost certainly have sky high levels of TENSION in your lower back and your deep hip flexors that attach to your spine...
In the “Foam Roller Spinal Extension” movement I’ll show you how to comfortably lie over a small foam roller (or even a rolled up towel) and then gently mobilize your vertebrae as your hip flexor muscles and back muscles release.
Do you have these classic “bad posture” symptoms:
This is frequently caused by a lack of “Thoracic Spine Extension”...
In the “Towel Under Thoracic Spine” movement, you’ll lie over a half-rolled up towel, and gently mobilize the thoracic vertebrae, simultaneously opening up your chest and shoulders...
This’ll give you much better posture, and reduces discomfort and pain in the Thoracic (upper) spine.
Do you have:
The Slow Scorpion movement will gently mobilize the deepest and most important joints of your back, helping to reduce cold, stabbing pains deep in your spine (plus, it’ll take pressure off nerves, helping conditions such as sciatica)...
And, it’ll even help soften extremely tense muscles at the base of your lumbar spine...
This movement will give you a great sense of balance and stability in your body.
Do you have extremely tight back muscles not only in your back…
...but also down into your hamstrings, calves and feet... and also up into your neck?
Does this cause you difficulty and pain while bending, and hurt your general mobility?
A lot of people try to stretch and “touch their toes” to fix this - please don’t do that unless you want it to get worse! Try this instead.
You see, this movement will mobilize your entire spine and neck and relax the tension out of your entire “back chain” of muscles, that goes from your toes all the way up your back to the base of your skull...
So much pain and tension will exit your body. You’ll feel very relaxed, loose and flexible after doing this.
Do you have trouble sitting up STRAIGHT in good posture for a long time, until you’re forced to slump down?
That’s probably because you’re only able to use a fraction of your deep postural muscles, and have to rely on weak surface muscles, which fatigue quickly...
The “Seated Spirals” movement will activate your entire spine, your hips and your pelvis, and teach them all to work together in harmony so that you live in good posture, feeling supported and strong...
And of course, this will lead to a dramatic reduction in pain.
After the movements I’ve mentioned so far help release loads of excess tension and pain from your back, you’re going to be ready to move beyond pain, and into enjoyable sturdy mobility.
And this is when we can start doing movements where you’re stood up (instead of laying down)...
Are you stiff or unstable when you walk?
Does walking cause you pain?
This is often because your legs move, but your pelvis stays very still, which causes a ton of tension in your back, with every single step...
Your pelvis is actually meant to swing a little like a salsa dancer when you walk...
We’ll mobilize your pelvis side to side, front to back… we’ll also coordinate it with your knees so that you can walk gracefully, smoothly and painlessly, and your back will be very relaxed, allowing you to start to “glide” through life.
Do you have a generally stiff, rigid posture?
The miraculous “Spinal Waves” movement will revitalize your spine and your whole body and help you to become literally GREAT at movement...
It’ll teach you to move freely, joyfully and confidently...
As you play with this movement, you’ll stop even identifying as a “pain sufferer,” and become someone who feels great and loves to move.
Would you like to finally experience having a strong, flexible, pain-free spine?
This is where you take everything you’ve learned in the course, and use it to transform your back into the stuff of legends!
“So long back pain”… It’s time to have one of the best back bones in the world and walk tall, proud and confident...
When you get access to The Back Pain Miracle System you’ll get a structured routine to follow so that you know exactly which movements to do, in which order, and for how long - to ensure you get maximum results as quickly as possible...
You’ll have 3 routines to choose from, depending on how much free time you have:
Routine #1:
For busy people who just have 5, 10 or 15 minutes a few times a week
Routine #2:
For people who want to spend a few hours per week
Routine #3:
For the most eager people who have plenty of time and want to make massive progress as quickly as possible.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg that is the magnificent experience you’re going to have with The Back Pain Miracle System.
You’re going to have the time of your life... quickly transforming your back from being in pain, to feeling AMAZING… you’ll look back at your experience with The Back Pain Miracle System as one of the best things you’ve ever done.
Now, the most common questions people ask me are:
One question I have for you first, is:
“What’s it worth to you?”
What would it be worth to you to no longer have back pain? Really take a moment to imagine that… no more back pain.
Imagine this really happening:
If you ask me:
A pain free back, and all the possibilities it opens up to you, is worth over a million dollars, or more.
It is truly that amazing...
Now, when I make things to help other people, I like to make things that are incredibly valuable, like The Back Pain Miracle System, and then price them affordably so that I can help as many people as possible, no matter what financial situation they’re in...
This is because I’m an engineer, so I live to spread practical scientific advances that improve the comfort and joy of people’s lives.
Some of my friends said, “Matt, you’ve got to charge $1000 for this! Sell it to rich CEOs and Entrepreneurs!”
But I just dismissed the idea instantly... like, no way... that’s not what I’m in this for...
So, don’t worry - you don’t have to pay $1000, or even $500. Heck, I’m not even going to charge you $250...
You see, I really love to give people a great deal...
And that’s why, if you order today from this page, thenThe Back Pain Miracle System is yours for the super low price of just
That’s a one time payment for everything. No extra charges and no monthly payments.
Just click the button above, fill in your details and you’ll get automatically logged into The Back Pain Miracle System video portal, and from there it’s smooth sailing all the way to a pain free back...
If you break this payment down, over the next 30 days it adds up to only $1.57 a day. As they say, “that’s less than a cup of coffee at most places”, literally.
To take advantage of this fantastic opportunity, just click the button above and order The Back Pain Miracle System now.
And just in case you have any doubts, or any concerns… or you’re wondering if this really will lead you to the pain free back you’ve been dreaming of...
Then I want to let you know…
You see, I believe so strongly that The Back Pain Miracle System is so effective, so powerful, and so different from anything you've likely ever tried before…
That I'm willing to take all the risk away from you, and give you a full 60 days to try this out, and see for yourself, just how wonderful your back is going to feel...
Here’s what I mean...
Get The Back Pain Miracle System right now and start going through it…
Based on my own experience, and the experience of my family, friends and clients, I’m confident in saying that you’ll notice results very quickly, and those results will continue to get better day by day…
Then, after 60 days, if you’re not absolutely blown away by the effect The Back Pain Miracle System has on your back...
Or even if it’s not exactly what you were expecting, then all you need to do is drop me a quick email, and I’ll send you a full refund of every penny paid, with no questions asked, and no hard feelings.
So go ahead. Invest in yourself.
Try out The Back Pain Miracle System with NO RISK today…
As soon as you click the Order Button, you’ll go through to the secure checkout page, which will look just like the image you see below, with both the McAfee and Norton security verifications...
All you have to do is enter your name, email, and billing details, then click the red “Pay Now” button...
Your payment will be taken by Clickbank, one of the world’s biggest online retailers of digital products. You’re also welcome to pay with PayPal...
As soon as you click “Pay Now”, your account will be automatically created...
You’ll then be automatically logged in, and you can watch the videos on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop, and you can even download them (to keep forever) on the device of your choice...
I’ll also email you your username and password so you’ll always have those for safe-keeping...
And I’ll always be here for you…
If you need help, at any time, simply send me an email. I aim to answer all emails within 24 hours, any day of the week.
It’s Time For You To Make A Choice:
Ok, you now know absolutely everything you need to know about back pain, and how The Back Pain Miracle System can fix your back pain...
You’ve come this far, and that tells me that you’re someone who cares deeply about making your back feel better…
...and you’re probably at a point in your life where you’re ready to make a change, to stop doing what doesn’t work, and start doing what does, and to commit to truly moving beyond back pain...
When I’m coaching someone in person, showing them how these movements are essentially their “Golden Ticket” out of back pain and into comfortable, joyful movement and effortless mobility and flexibility, at this point they usually appreciate it when I say the following to them, to give them the final piece of motivation they need to
take the first step and commit...
Listen carefully:
From this day forward, your back pain is either going to get better or
it’s going to get worse...It’ll ache more and more, and your stress, anxiety and misery will increase over time...
I know how bad it can get, because I had back pain for 12 years - until I PERFECTED the movements you're about to get your hands on The Back Pain Miracle System… movements which worked for me when nothing else would, so I really don’t want you to go down the conventional path...
That’s the path of darkness…
There’s nothing down that path other than pain, suffering and misery, which as I mentioned earlier, can eventually lead to desperate situations in which surgery seems like the only option...
The next thing you know, you’re lying on the operating table counting down from 10 to 1 until the anesthesia puts you to sleep while a “cut-happy surgeon” cuts, saws and fuses your spinal vertebrae…
Destroying any chance you ever had of a real recovery...
And then you might end up hooked on opioids afterwards...
My advice?
DON’T risk it.
Instead, I want you to go down a different path… The path of the light...
The path toward a life with a pain free back... a strong, flexible, mobile back, with tall, aligned, confident posture.
So listen - you can do it. I believe in you.
You have your mind, your will, your desire for happiness... and in a moment you’ll have access to The Back Pain Miracle System… and that’s all you need.
Fixing back pain can be so easy and enjoyable.
You completely deserve the results... You deserve to be flexible and mobile... You deserve to feel joy flowing through your back and your whole body.
You deserve to be able to once again do all the things of which back pain has robbed you… to have it all returned to you again, as good as before or even better.
So treat yourself. Make this happen.
Today can be the day where everything begins to get better and you start gliding through life, using the simple, yet highly effective movements in The Back Pain Miracle System.
And it’s all yours for just $47, with a risk-free 60 day guarantee.
No brainer?
You bet it is!
So go ahead, give it a try, you’ll be so, so glad you did. Click the button below to get started. My name is Matt Cook, thank you for reading, and I’ll see you in The Back Pain Miracle System video portal…
Wishing you a pain free back, and a life you can live to the max…
Your friend,
Matt Cook
Engineer, Martial Artist, creator of The Back Pain Miracle System
Frequently Asked Questions
So, what are you waiting for my friend?
Let’s do this!
Let’s fix your back pain!
Let’s make today one of the days you look back on as a pivotal moment when your life becomes absolutely amazing...
Click on the button below now, follow the simple, safe and secure 1-step checkout, and you’ll have access to The Back Pain Miracle System within the next couple of minutes...
Kind regards,
Matt Cook
Engineer, Martial Artist, creator of The Back Pain Miracle System